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Domine os Fundamentos da Inteligência Artificial no Microsoft Azure com o Simulado AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 2024! Seja você um profissional iniciante, estudante ou líder de equipe, este simulado de preparação é a sua porta de entrada para o emocionante universo da IA na nuvem. Explore os conceitos básicos da IA, compreenda seu impacto nas soluções tecnológicas e descubra como aplicá-la eficazmente no ambiente Azure. Preparação completa e atualizada para que você possa mergulhar no mundo da IA com confiança e se destacar na vanguarda da inovação.

Desenvolva uma Base Sólida em Inteligência Artificial com o Simulado AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 2024!

À medida que a revolução da inteligência artificial molda o cenário tecnológico, estar preparado se torna fundamental. Apresentamos o Simulado AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 2024, uma ferramenta abrangente e envolvente para aqueles que desejam mergulhar no mundo da IA com confiança.

Seja você um entusiasta da tecnologia no início da carreira, um profissional em busca de expansão de conhecimento ou um gestor curioso, este simulado oferece um roteiro detalhado para entender os princípios fundamentais da IA no contexto do Microsoft Azure. Aprenda a linguagem da IA, explore as capacidades da nuvem da Microsoft e desvende os segredos por trás da criação de soluções inteligentes.

O que você pode esperar do nosso simulado:

  • Materiais de estudo atualizados, alinhados com as tendências mais recentes da IA e da plataforma Azure.

  • Exercícios práticos que o guiarão através da implementação de soluções de IA usando ferramentas do Azure.

  • Perguntas de avaliação cuidadosamente elaboradas que testarão seu conhecimento e o prepararão para o exame AI-900 oficial.

Aprofunde-se em tópicos como aprendizado de máquina, processamento de linguagem natural, visão computacional e muito mais. Esteja pronto para explorar casos de uso reais, entender os benefícios da IA na tomada de decisões e destacar-se em um mercado de trabalho cada vez mais voltado para a inovação.

Preparação é a chave para o sucesso. Esteja à frente da curva e comece sua jornada rumo à maestria em IA com o Simulado AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 2024. Seja você um criador de tecnologia do futuro ou um tomador de decisões bem informado, a IA está moldando o mundo ao nosso redor - e esta é a sua chance de moldar seu próprio caminho na vanguarda dessa transformação.

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Domine os Fundamentos da Inteligência Artificial no Microsoft Azure com o Simulado AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 2024! Seja você um profissional iniciante, estudante ou líder de equipe, este simulado de preparação é a sua porta de entrada para o emocionante universo da IA na nuvem. Explore os conceitos básicos da IA, compreenda seu impacto nas soluções tecnológicas e descubra como aplicá-la eficazmente no ambiente Azure. Preparação completa e atualizada para que você possa mergulhar no mundo da IA com confiança e se destacar na vanguarda da inovação.

Desenvolva uma Base Sólida em Inteligência Artificial com o Simulado AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 2024!

À medida que a revolução da inteligência artificial molda o cenário tecnológico, estar preparado se torna fundamental. Apresentamos o Simulado AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 2024, uma ferramenta abrangente e envolvente para aqueles que desejam mergulhar no mundo da IA com confiança.

Seja você um entusiasta da tecnologia no início da carreira, um profissional em busca de expansão de conhecimento ou um gestor curioso, este simulado oferece um roteiro detalhado para entender os princípios fundamentais da IA no contexto do Microsoft Azure. Aprenda a linguagem da IA, explore as capacidades da nuvem da Microsoft e desvende os segredos por trás da criação de soluções inteligentes.

O que você pode esperar do nosso simulado:

  • Materiais de estudo atualizados, alinhados com as tendências mais recentes da IA e da plataforma Azure.

  • Exercícios práticos que o guiarão através da implementação de soluções de IA usando ferramentas do Azure.

  • Perguntas de avaliação cuidadosamente elaboradas que testarão seu conhecimento e o prepararão para o exame AI-900 oficial.

Aprofunde-se em tópicos como aprendizado de máquina, processamento de linguagem natural, visão computacional e muito mais. Esteja pronto para explorar casos de uso reais, entender os benefícios da IA na tomada de decisões e destacar-se em um mercado de trabalho cada vez mais voltado para a inovação.

Preparação é a chave para o sucesso. Esteja à frente da curva e comece sua jornada rumo à maestria em IA com o Simulado AI-900 Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals 2024. Seja você um criador de tecnologia do futuro ou um tomador de decisões bem informado, a IA está moldando o mundo ao nosso redor - e esta é a sua chance de moldar seu próprio caminho na vanguarda dessa transformação.

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O "Simulado AI-102 Azure AI Engineer Associate AI102 PT" oferece a você uma oportunidade única de se preparar de maneira abrangente e prática para o exame de certificação AI-102, que o qualifica como um Azure AI Engineer Associate. Este simulado foi especialmente projetado para fornecer uma imersão completa nos tópicos essenciais relacionados à engenharia de inteligência artificial no ambiente Azure.

Ao participar deste simulado, você terá acesso a uma série de perguntas criteriosamente selecionadas para abordar os conceitos e cenários mais relevantes para a engenharia de inteligência artificial no Azure. Cada pergunta não apenas testará seu conhecimento, mas também o desafiará a aplicar esse conhecimento em situações práticas, semelhantes às que você encontrará no mundo real.

Independentemente de você estar buscando a certificação AI-102, procurando aprimorar suas habilidades de engenharia de inteligência artificial ou expandir suas competências em Azure, este simulado é uma ferramenta inestimável para sua jornada. Prepare-se para enfrentar os desafios reais da engenharia de inteligência artificial no Azure com confiança e proficiência.

No "Simulado AI-102 Azure AI Engineer Associate AI102 PT", você terá a oportunidade de aprender uma ampla gama de tópicos relacionados à engenharia de inteligência artificial (IA) no ambiente Azure. Os simulados abordam os seguintes aspectos:

  1. Fundamentos de IA no Azure: Compreenda os conceitos básicos de inteligência artificial e como eles são aplicados no ecossistema Azure.

  2. Desenvolvimento de Soluções de IA: Aprenda a projetar e desenvolver soluções de IA usando ferramentas e tecnologias do Azure, como Azure Cognitive Services e Azure Machine Learning.

  3. Processamento de Linguagem Natural (NLP): Explore como criar soluções de processamento de linguagem natural para análise de texto, tradução e compreensão de linguagem.

  4. Visão Computacional: Saiba como desenvolver soluções de visão computacional para análise de imagens e vídeos, incluindo reconhecimento de objetos e detecção de rostos.

  5. Modelos de Machine Learning: Entenda como criar, treinar e implantar modelos de machine learning no Azure usando o Azure Machine Learning.

  6. Integração de Dados e Modelos: Aprenda a integrar dados e modelos de diferentes fontes para criar soluções de IA abrangentes.

  7. Aprendizado de Máquina em Escala: Explore como aplicar técnicas de aprendizado de máquina em grande escala para lidar com conjuntos de dados complexos.

  8. Implementação de Chatbots: Descubra como criar chatbots inteligentes usando Azure Bot Services para melhorar a interação com os usuários.

  9. Monitoramento e Otimização: Saiba como monitorar, otimizar e melhorar continuamente suas soluções de IA no Azure.

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O "Simulado AI-102 Azure AI Engineer Associate AI102 PT" oferece a você uma oportunidade única de se preparar de maneira abrangente e prática para o exame de certificação AI-102, que o qualifica como um Azure AI Engineer Associate. Este simulado foi especialmente projetado para fornecer uma imersão completa nos tópicos essenciais relacionados à engenharia de inteligência artificial no ambiente Azure.

Ao participar deste simulado, você terá acesso a uma série de perguntas criteriosamente selecionadas para abordar os conceitos e cenários mais relevantes para a engenharia de inteligência artificial no Azure. Cada pergunta não apenas testará seu conhecimento, mas também o desafiará a aplicar esse conhecimento em situações práticas, semelhantes às que você encontrará no mundo real.

Independentemente de você estar buscando a certificação AI-102, procurando aprimorar suas habilidades de engenharia de inteligência artificial ou expandir suas competências em Azure, este simulado é uma ferramenta inestimável para sua jornada. Prepare-se para enfrentar os desafios reais da engenharia de inteligência artificial no Azure com confiança e proficiência.

No "Simulado AI-102 Azure AI Engineer Associate AI102 PT", você terá a oportunidade de aprender uma ampla gama de tópicos relacionados à engenharia de inteligência artificial (IA) no ambiente Azure. Os simulados abordam os seguintes aspectos:

  1. Fundamentos de IA no Azure: Compreenda os conceitos básicos de inteligência artificial e como eles são aplicados no ecossistema Azure.

  2. Desenvolvimento de Soluções de IA: Aprenda a projetar e desenvolver soluções de IA usando ferramentas e tecnologias do Azure, como Azure Cognitive Services e Azure Machine Learning.

  3. Processamento de Linguagem Natural (NLP): Explore como criar soluções de processamento de linguagem natural para análise de texto, tradução e compreensão de linguagem.

  4. Visão Computacional: Saiba como desenvolver soluções de visão computacional para análise de imagens e vídeos, incluindo reconhecimento de objetos e detecção de rostos.

  5. Modelos de Machine Learning: Entenda como criar, treinar e implantar modelos de machine learning no Azure usando o Azure Machine Learning.

  6. Integração de Dados e Modelos: Aprenda a integrar dados e modelos de diferentes fontes para criar soluções de IA abrangentes.

  7. Aprendizado de Máquina em Escala: Explore como aplicar técnicas de aprendizado de máquina em grande escala para lidar com conjuntos de dados complexos.

  8. Implementação de Chatbots: Descubra como criar chatbots inteligentes usando Azure Bot Services para melhorar a interação com os usuários.

  9. Monitoramento e Otimização: Saiba como monitorar, otimizar e melhorar continuamente suas soluções de IA no Azure.

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Welcome to our all-inclusive Salesforce Certified AI Associate Certification Practice Exam course, designed to help you master the essential Salesforce skills, concepts, and best practices needed to pass the exam with confidence.

In this course, you will learn:

AI Fundamentals: 17%

  • Explain the basic principles and applications of AI within Salesforce.

  • Differentiate between the types of AI and their capabilities.

AI Capabilities in CRM: 8%

  • Identify CRM AI capabilities.

  • Describe the benefits of AI as they apply to CRM.

Ethical Considerations of AI: 39%

  • Describe the ethical challenges of AI (e.g., human bias in machine learning, lack of transparency, etc.).

  • Apply Salesforce's Trusted AI Principles to given scenarios.

Data for AI: 36%

  • Describe the importance of data quality.

  • Describe the elements/components of data quality.

Our practice exam test course stands out as an in-depth learning platform tailored to accommodate both beginners and experts in the field. By intertwining detailed practice exam questions with actionable feedback from seasoned Salesforce professionals, we aim to bridge any knowledge gaps. This methodical approach ensures that every participant, regardless of their prior experience, becomes proficient and well-prepared to excel in the Salesforce Certified AI Associate Certification exam. As a result, this comprehensive training not only aids in exam success but also lays a solid foundation for an aspiring or evolving Salesforce career, setting you up for long-term achievements.

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Welcome to our all-inclusive Salesforce Certified AI Associate Certification Practice Exam course, designed to help you master the essential Salesforce skills, concepts, and best practices needed to pass the exam with confidence.

In this course, you will learn:

AI Fundamentals: 17%

  • Explain the basic principles and applications of AI within Salesforce.

  • Differentiate between the types of AI and their capabilities.

AI Capabilities in CRM: 8%

  • Identify CRM AI capabilities.

  • Describe the benefits of AI as they apply to CRM.

Ethical Considerations of AI: 39%

  • Describe the ethical challenges of AI (e.g., human bias in machine learning, lack of transparency, etc.).

  • Apply Salesforce's Trusted AI Principles to given scenarios.

Data for AI: 36%

  • Describe the importance of data quality.

  • Describe the elements/components of data quality.

Our practice exam test course stands out as an in-depth learning platform tailored to accommodate both beginners and experts in the field. By intertwining detailed practice exam questions with actionable feedback from seasoned Salesforce professionals, we aim to bridge any knowledge gaps. This methodical approach ensures that every participant, regardless of their prior experience, becomes proficient and well-prepared to excel in the Salesforce Certified AI Associate Certification exam. As a result, this comprehensive training not only aids in exam success but also lays a solid foundation for an aspiring or evolving Salesforce career, setting you up for long-term achievements.

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Expertly crafted course designed to thoroughly prepare IT professionals and aspiring AI engineers for the Azure AI Engineer Associate certification. This course meticulously simulates the real certification exam environment, providing participants with a realistic experience of the actual exam.

Each mock exam in the course covers a wide range of topics, including Azure Machine Learning, AI services, and knowledge mining solutions, ensuring a deep and broad understanding of the Azure AI ecosystem. The questions are curated to reflect the complexity and style of the official exam, focusing on practical applications and scenario-based problem-solving to test both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

This course is not just about answering questions; it provides detailed explanations for each answer, helping learners understand the 'why' behind each solution. This approach enhances conceptual clarity and aids in long-term retention of information.

With regular updates to keep pace with Microsoft's evolving AI technologies and exam patterns, this course is an invaluable resource for anyone aiming to achieve the Azure AI Engineer Associate certification. It's ideal for IT professionals seeking to validate their expertise in designing, implementing, and monitoring AI solutions on Microsoft Azure.

Is it possible to take the practice test more than once?

Certainly, you are allowed to attempt each practice test multiple times. Upon completion of the practice test, your final outcome will be displayed. With every attempt, the sequence of questions and answers will be randomized.

Is there a time restriction for the practice tests?

Indeed, each test comes with a time constraint of 120 seconds for each question.

What score is required?

The target achievement threshold for each practice test is to achieve at least 70% correct answers.

Do the questions have explanations?

Yes, all questions have explanations for each answer.

Am I granted access to my responses?

Absolutely, you have the opportunity to review all the answers you submitted and ascertain which ones were correct and which ones were not.

Are the questions updated regularly?

Indeed, the questions are routinely updated to ensure the best learning experience.

Additional Note: It is strongly recommended that you take these exams multiple times until you consistently score 90% or higher on each test. Take the challenge without hesitation and start your journey today. Good luck!

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Expertly crafted course designed to thoroughly prepare IT professionals and aspiring AI engineers for the Azure AI Engineer Associate certification. This course meticulously simulates the real certification exam environment, providing participants with a realistic experience of the actual exam.

Each mock exam in the course covers a wide range of topics, including Azure Machine Learning, AI services, and knowledge mining solutions, ensuring a deep and broad understanding of the Azure AI ecosystem. The questions are curated to reflect the complexity and style of the official exam, focusing on practical applications and scenario-based problem-solving to test both theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

This course is not just about answering questions; it provides detailed explanations for each answer, helping learners understand the 'why' behind each solution. This approach enhances conceptual clarity and aids in long-term retention of information.

With regular updates to keep pace with Microsoft's evolving AI technologies and exam patterns, this course is an invaluable resource for anyone aiming to achieve the Azure AI Engineer Associate certification. It's ideal for IT professionals seeking to validate their expertise in designing, implementing, and monitoring AI solutions on Microsoft Azure.

Is it possible to take the practice test more than once?

Certainly, you are allowed to attempt each practice test multiple times. Upon completion of the practice test, your final outcome will be displayed. With every attempt, the sequence of questions and answers will be randomized.

Is there a time restriction for the practice tests?

Indeed, each test comes with a time constraint of 120 seconds for each question.

What score is required?

The target achievement threshold for each practice test is to achieve at least 70% correct answers.

Do the questions have explanations?

Yes, all questions have explanations for each answer.

Am I granted access to my responses?

Absolutely, you have the opportunity to review all the answers you submitted and ascertain which ones were correct and which ones were not.

Are the questions updated regularly?

Indeed, the questions are routinely updated to ensure the best learning experience.

Additional Note: It is strongly recommended that you take these exams multiple times until you consistently score 90% or higher on each test. Take the challenge without hesitation and start your journey today. Good luck!

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Are you looking to get yourself certified on Microsoft AI-900 ?

Congrats, you are at right place. Enroll and get certified yourself.

This course is very carefully crafted so that you can easily pass the AI-900 exam and become proud by earning Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Certification.

Thinking why to choose this one only ?

Comprehensive Explanations: Questions are supported by crisp and clear explanation so that you can learn why this option is correct.

Exhaustive Course Coverage: These practice exam covers even more than AI-900 exam, leaving no stone in your preparation.

  1. Describe Artificial Intelligence workloads and considerations

  2. Describe fundamental principles of machine learning

  3. Describe features of computer vision workloads

  4. Describe features of Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads

  5. Describe features of generative AI workloads

Domain based Practice Exam Experience: Domains are provided for every questions so that you can identity area of improvements.

Sample Question

You are developing a conversational AI solution that will communicate with users through multiple channels including email, Microsoft Teams, and webchat. Which service should you use?

A. Text Analytics

B. Azure Bot Service

C. Translator

D. Form Recognizer


For developing a conversational AI solution that interacts with users across multiple channels like email, Microsoft Teams, and webchat, the most suitable service is:

B. Azure Bot Service

Here's why:

Azure Bot Service is specifically designed for building, deploying, and managing bots: It provides a comprehensive platform for handling user interactions, natural language processing (NLP), and integration with various channels.

Multiple channel support: Azure Bot Service seamlessly connects your bot to popular platforms like Teams, webchat, email, and even social media channels like Facebook Messenger. This eliminates the need for separate development for each channel.

NLP capabilities: Built-in NLP features handle user queries, understand intent, and generate appropriate responses. You can also integrate with Azure LUIS for more advanced conversational understanding.

Scalability and reliability: Azure Bot Service offers robust infrastructure to handle large volumes of users and ensure consistent performance across different channels. Although the other options might be relevant in specific scenarios, they are not ideal for your case:

Text Analytics (A): Provides tools for text analysis and extraction, but doesn't handle user interactions or manage bots.

Translator (C): Focuses on language translation and wouldn't be needed unless your bot requires multilingual communication.

Form Recognizer (D): Extracts data from structured forms, which might be useful for specific tasks within the bot, but not the core functionality for a conversational AI solution.

Therefore, Azure Bot Service is the most comprehensive and efficient option for building your multi-channel conversational AI solution. Remember, while Azure Bot Service is a great choice for Microsoft-based solutions, there are other platforms like Google Dialogflow and Amazon Lex that cater to other environments. The best choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and technical ecosystem.

Exam Details

Skills Measured in AI-900 Exam

The English language version of this exam will be updated on January 31, 2024. Review the study guide linked in the preceding “Tip” box for details about the skills measured and upcoming changes.

  1. Describe Artificial Intelligence workloads and considerations (15–20%)

  2. Describe fundamental principles of machine learning on Azure (20–25%)

  3. Describe features of computer vision workloads on Azure (15–20%)

  4. Describe features of Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads on Azure (15–20%)

  5. Describe features of generative AI workloads on Azure (15–20%)

No of questions:

You can expect around 40-60 questions in the AI-900 exam.

AI-900 Exam Duration:

Exam type: Fundamentals Exams

Exam duration - 45 minutes

Seat duration - 65 minutes

AI-900 Exam Passing Criteria

All technical exam scores are reported on a scale of 1 to 1,000.

A passing score is 700 or greater. you need to score at least 70% to pass this exam.

Good luck! Wishing you nothing but the best.

Who this course is for:

  • Any AI Technology Professional

  • IT Professionals - Those wanting to expand their expertise by diving into Microsoft Azure.

  • Business Analysts: Individuals seeking to understand AI Azure to better align tech and business strategies.

  • Entrepreneurs: Startup founders and business owners looking to leverage cloud AI solutions for scalability.

  • PM: Tech PMs aiming to better manage Azure AI-related projects with foundational knowledge.

  • Freelancers: Tech consultants aiming to broaden their AI service offerings with Azure capabilities.

  • University Students: Computer Science or IT students desiring an edge in the AI job market.

  • Solution Architects: AI Professionals seeking to design solutions on Azure and wanting a foundational understanding.

  • Tech Beginner: Individuals new to the tech industry looking to grasp AI fundamental cloud concepts.

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Are you looking to get yourself certified on Microsoft AI-900 ?

Congrats, you are at right place. Enroll and get certified yourself.

This course is very carefully crafted so that you can easily pass the AI-900 exam and become proud by earning Microsoft Azure AI Fundamentals Certification.

Thinking why to choose this one only ?

Comprehensive Explanations: Questions are supported by crisp and clear explanation so that you can learn why this option is correct.

Exhaustive Course Coverage: These practice exam covers even more than AI-900 exam, leaving no stone in your preparation.

  1. Describe Artificial Intelligence workloads and considerations

  2. Describe fundamental principles of machine learning

  3. Describe features of computer vision workloads

  4. Describe features of Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads

  5. Describe features of generative AI workloads

Domain based Practice Exam Experience: Domains are provided for every questions so that you can identity area of improvements.

Sample Question

You are developing a conversational AI solution that will communicate with users through multiple channels including email, Microsoft Teams, and webchat. Which service should you use?

A. Text Analytics

B. Azure Bot Service

C. Translator

D. Form Recognizer


For developing a conversational AI solution that interacts with users across multiple channels like email, Microsoft Teams, and webchat, the most suitable service is:

B. Azure Bot Service

Here's why:

Azure Bot Service is specifically designed for building, deploying, and managing bots: It provides a comprehensive platform for handling user interactions, natural language processing (NLP), and integration with various channels.

Multiple channel support: Azure Bot Service seamlessly connects your bot to popular platforms like Teams, webchat, email, and even social media channels like Facebook Messenger. This eliminates the need for separate development for each channel.

NLP capabilities: Built-in NLP features handle user queries, understand intent, and generate appropriate responses. You can also integrate with Azure LUIS for more advanced conversational understanding.

Scalability and reliability: Azure Bot Service offers robust infrastructure to handle large volumes of users and ensure consistent performance across different channels. Although the other options might be relevant in specific scenarios, they are not ideal for your case:

Text Analytics (A): Provides tools for text analysis and extraction, but doesn't handle user interactions or manage bots.

Translator (C): Focuses on language translation and wouldn't be needed unless your bot requires multilingual communication.

Form Recognizer (D): Extracts data from structured forms, which might be useful for specific tasks within the bot, but not the core functionality for a conversational AI solution.

Therefore, Azure Bot Service is the most comprehensive and efficient option for building your multi-channel conversational AI solution. Remember, while Azure Bot Service is a great choice for Microsoft-based solutions, there are other platforms like Google Dialogflow and Amazon Lex that cater to other environments. The best choice ultimately depends on your specific needs and technical ecosystem.

Exam Details

Skills Measured in AI-900 Exam

The English language version of this exam will be updated on January 31, 2024. Review the study guide linked in the preceding “Tip” box for details about the skills measured and upcoming changes.

  1. Describe Artificial Intelligence workloads and considerations (15–20%)

  2. Describe fundamental principles of machine learning on Azure (20–25%)

  3. Describe features of computer vision workloads on Azure (15–20%)

  4. Describe features of Natural Language Processing (NLP) workloads on Azure (15–20%)

  5. Describe features of generative AI workloads on Azure (15–20%)

No of questions:

You can expect around 40-60 questions in the AI-900 exam.

AI-900 Exam Duration:

Exam type: Fundamentals Exams

Exam duration - 45 minutes

Seat duration - 65 minutes

AI-900 Exam Passing Criteria

All technical exam scores are reported on a scale of 1 to 1,000.

A passing score is 700 or greater. you need to score at least 70% to pass this exam.

Good luck! Wishing you nothing but the best.

Who this course is for:

  • Any AI Technology Professional

  • IT Professionals - Those wanting to expand their expertise by diving into Microsoft Azure.

  • Business Analysts: Individuals seeking to understand AI Azure to better align tech and business strategies.

  • Entrepreneurs: Startup founders and business owners looking to leverage cloud AI solutions for scalability.

  • PM: Tech PMs aiming to better manage Azure AI-related projects with foundational knowledge.

  • Freelancers: Tech consultants aiming to broaden their AI service offerings with Azure capabilities.

  • University Students: Computer Science or IT students desiring an edge in the AI job market.

  • Solution Architects: AI Professionals seeking to design solutions on Azure and wanting a foundational understanding.

  • Tech Beginner: Individuals new to the tech industry looking to grasp AI fundamental cloud concepts.